martedì 25 dicembre 2007

Linqua Italiano

L'acqua fa male e il vino fa cantare
(Water hurts and wine makes you sing )

Il sangue non é acqua
(Blood is thicker than water)

Acqua passata non macina più
(Gone water doesn't mill anymore)

Acqua cheta rovina i ponti.
(Silent waters run deep)

La goccia continua penetra il marmo
(Drop after drop, marble gets holey)

Sposa bagnata, sposa fortunate
(Rain on the day you get married brings good luck)

Tra il dire e il fare c'è di mezzo il mare
(Easier said than done)

Agitare le acque
(To trouble water= To make mischief)

Fare un buco nell'acqua
(To make a hole into the water= To make vain attempts)

Lavorare sott'acqua
(To work under water= To hide one's real intention)

Avere l'acqua alla gola
(To have water up to the throat= To have few chances)

Portare l'acqua al proprio mulino
(To draw water to ones' own mill= To act for one's advantage)

Ne è passata di acqua sotto i ponti!
(Plenty of water ran under bridges= So long time passed by)

All'acqua di rose
(Rose water like= Something not accurately worked out)

Perdersi in un bicchier d'acqua
(To lose oneself in a glass of water= To get easily discourage)

Come il diavolo e l'acquasanta
(To be like devil and holy water= For people or situation absolutely contrasting)

La goccia che fa traboccare il vaso
(The drop that makes a vase overflow= Something no more unbearable)

1 commento:

Libby ha detto...

these are great, joe! they look really hard to pronounce, but i'll work on it so i wont be a 'lazy one-language american'!! lol!