domenica 18 novembre 2007

I've discovered the secret....We are all liars!

Ok, now hear me out I don't mean liars in a bad way just a practical get through your tedious existence with your sanity way! The secret to couples staying together is LIES. When you have reached the point that you have more passion for a 50 cent coupon on toilet paper that you do for your spouse, or you get 10000000 times the pleasure from a sports team than said spouse-you know what I mean. Almost every single couple I know that is still together owe it all to lies. They pretend that their spouse is'nt a drunk, or that they are still attractive, or that it is just that early-childhood phase and things will return to normal once the kids are older...than older...than older... It never ends. Socrates redux. When you are honest with yourself you see things as they really are not as you wanted them to be, how society wants them to be, how your family or church or culture wants them to be. The blinders fall off and one day you awake to the harsh reality that it was all a lie and now what? Do you have the strength to trudge through the next 5, 10, 20, years still keeping up the facade? and for whose sake? the kids, the family, etc. ?????
Life, like time is fleeting, and to a person trying to be honest life is torture because everyone else is so tightly wrapped in their webs of lies. Unless two or more, honest people can find each other and form a friendship there is little hope of that person(s) ability to hold on to their sanity.

5 commenti:

Joseph ha detto...


Libby ha detto...

...damn...might i say...what an insight...

Libby ha detto...


Joseph ha detto...

Truth is a bitter pill, eh?

Libby ha detto...

you bet...